Open House

It was a hot night and several of "Que Tal's" customers were standing in the street outside the bar, talking, laughing and drinking. Big Dog led his masters into the welcoming atmosphere. The first thing they noticed was a Broadway style travelling sign, hanging over a tiny stage. In glittering green letters it announced
"The QT welcomes Sergio and Ryan" The boys were flattered. Then the letters turned bright red and spelt out "You're LATE, you bastards" In what she like to call the back office - a space that until recently had been part of the "Gents" Gloria was having hours of fun playing with her latest toy. With a wicked smile, she pecked at a keyboard, gratified that her words of wisdom would be glamorously exhibited to the clientel out front. Her message for Ry and Sergi was pretty mild, actually. These literary gems tended to become ever more insulting or obscene as the night wore on.
Marco and Jordi greeted the boys with macho hugs and a manly kiss on each cheek. Rubbish, not wanting to be left out of things,  thrust his great paws on the bar and appeared to be ready to order.
At which point, Gloria made her Grand Entrance.  "Daarlings" she cooed as she clutched them both to her more than adequate bosom, almost squeezing the life out of them.  Rubbish again intervened, viewing this crazy broad with deep suspicion - until  she stuffed a chicken leg into his slobbering mouth.
"Now what are you having? Or should I say who?"  she quipped, noticing the boys ogling a gang of  hot guys standing by the bar.  "How about our legendary mojito - shaken to within an inch of its life by Mr Universe, here?" Jordi had learned not to be embarrassed by such banter. He began to prepare the drinks, skillfully shaking the cocktails with casual aplomb.  Ry and Sergi were impressed. Gloria had seen it all before, of course.  "Varda the forearms, darling - going like the clappers. Between you and me, I think he practices those particular hand movements in his bedroom, when he thinks nobody's looking.  Now first things first. Follow me" she instructed the boys, pushing past them.
Rubbish figured that a tentative growl might not go amiss at this point.  "Stay" commanded Gloria. "Here. have an olive"
Like everyone else, she had Big Dog eating out of her hand.